ASD Research Lending Library
ASD Research Lending Library resources are available to check out through CEMaT or by contacting Mollie Tanner. Additional books can be found under Parent Resources and Educator Resources.
Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm
You’re Going to Love this Kid! by Paula Kluth
Just Give Him the Whale! by Paula Kluth and Patick Schwarz
Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies for Transition by David W. Test
Quick-Guides to Inclusion by Michael R. Giangreco and Mary Beth Doyle
Teaching by Design by Kimberly S. Voss
Taking Care of Myself by Mary Wrobel
Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties by Kate Silver
Everyday Activities to Help Your Young Child with Autism Live Life to the Full by Debra Jacobs and Dion Betts
I Hate to Write! by Cheryl Boucher and Kathy Oehler
Drawing a Blank: Improving Comprehension for Readers on the Autism Spectrum by Emily Iland
Exploring Feelings Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Manage Anxiety by Dr. Tony Attwood
My Friend with Autism by Beverly Bishop
Little Rainman by Karen L. Simmons
Looking after Louis by Lesley Ely and Polly Dunbar
Deep into Defense Mode - Asperger Experts
Our Journey Through High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Tony Attwood & Liane Holliday Willey
Employment for Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability by Yvona Fast
Other Items
- Ball Chairs
- Body Socks
- Egg Chairs
- iPads
- LAMP apps
- Noise-Cancelling Headphones
- Pea Pod Sensory Seat
- Timers
- Weighted Pressure Vests
- Wireless Headphones
- Yogibo Sensory Bags (large bean bags)