Special Education Enrollment

Welcome to the Lenawee Intermediate School District! This page includes information regarding enrollment in LISD preschool special education programs.

Required Documents

The documents below are required to register your student in school and must be provided by the first day of school:

  1. Proof of Residency, such as a utility bill, current lease agreement or mortgage closing statement
  2. Copy of your student’s Birth Certificate
  3. Immunization Records or a waiver by the health department

Note: Families who are experiencing homelessness or children in foster care do not need completed student files.

Special Education Enrollment Steps

Part 1 - Infinite Campus

PREVIOUS Student Enrollment – If your student was previously enrolled in a LISD Program, simply log into your Parent Portal Account to update your information.  

NEW Student Enrollment– If your student is NEW to the LISD Programs, please click New Student Enrollment to register.

Part 2 - Google Drive

The LISD requires additional information for your student. This Special Education Google Form must be completed by the first day of school. 

Part 3 - Enrollment Forms

Please download and complete the forms linked below. Forms must be returned to the LISD by the first day of school, either by email or drop off at the Milton C. Porter Education Center (2946 Sutton Rd., Adrian). If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, please request the forms using the following email:

REQUIRED Forms for All Students/All Grades

  1. Consent for Simple First Aid Treatment
  2. Education Benefits Form (free and reduced lunch form)

Complete Only if Applicable